These delicious Hello Panda biscuits in kawaii packaging make a lovely gift, but at this great price you can afford to give in to temptation and buy some for yourself! The popular biscuits, licensed since 1979 by Japanese confectionery company Meiji, have cute pictures printed into them of pandas doing various sports. It's fun to check which activity your panda is doing, before gobbling it up. They're a great treat to share with friends, if you don't scoff them all yourself first...
Ingredienser: vetemjöl, vegetabiliskt fett (innehåller sojabönor), socker, maltextrakt (spannmål som innehåller gluten), Laktos, helmjölkspulver, skummjölkspulver, emulgeringsmedel (soja produkt), naturliga kryddor, bakpulver, salt, arom & smaksättning. Produkten innehåller spannmål med gluten, soja och mjölk.